Privacy Policy

I.G Institute complies and abides by the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998

Personal information is information that identifies you. Personal information could be;

  • A record of your name, address, and other details about you
  • Photographs, images, video or audio footage

I.G Institute collects personal information solely for the purposes of operation as a provider. All reasonable steps are taken to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including password protection of electronic files, secure storage of paper files and secure backup of data.

All students are able to access their results via their student portal and are able to send a request to get their personal information updated if their contact details are not accurate or out of date.

Access to student’s personal information may be given to an identified government officer from such agencies as the ASQA for the purposes of an audit.

I.G Institute is required to collect Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 personal information about our students and disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd. (NCVER).

Support Service

We currently offer support in:

  • Assessment options including recognition of prior learning (RPL)
  • options in delivery modes
  • training needs
  • special needs, including Language, Literacy and Numeracy

During enrolment your first point of contact will always be a member of our administration team, and at any time during your studies the administration team members are here to assist you

Additionally, if your concerns are of an academic nature, your trainer would be the appropriate person to discuss your needs with If at any time you feel that you are not receiving the support that you require the matter needs to be brought to the attention of the Academic Manager who can be contacted via College main line

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students are required to be familiar with the policies and procedures contained within I.G Institute student handbook and/ or on our website www .i.g.institut e

If students require clarification on any information it is the student’s responsibility to contact I.G Institute.

Student is to understanding and accepting the enrolment conditions, and providing accurate information about themselves, any changes to their address or phone numbers within 7 days

Student to paying of all fees and charges associated with their course

Student to ensuring they attend classes regularly, punctually and sober and drug free

I.G Institute ensures to provide high quality training and assessment

I.G Institute ensures to provide access to all I.G Institute services regardless of background, gender, marital status, sexual preference, race, colour, pregnancy, national origin, ethnic or socio economic background, physical or intellectual impairment, and religious or political affiliation

I.G Institute ensures to provide an appropriately, safe and clean learning environment, free of all forms of harassment and discrimination, and be treated with dignity and fairness,

Course Fees and Refunds Information


  • Each course has an established fee which varies between courses, depending on the nature of the course and the materials required
  • Details relating to specific fees are outlined on the relevant course flyer provided with this presentation If students wish to discuss any aspect, they are encouraged to contact us for clarification


  • I G Institute is committed to the fair and transparent application of fees and charges, including the processing of refunds Students are provided with details of all fees and charges and copies of the relevant refund policy prior to enrolment or can access through our website www i g institute com au
  • This policy outlines the circumstances in which a student or client may receive a full or partial refund of their course fees

Fees in Advance

  • The RTO has appropriate safeguards and fair options in place for any monies paid in advance and that these funds are not used until courses and or units have commenced

Complaints and Appeals

I.G Institute will provide appropriate mechanisms and services for learners to have complaints and appeals addressed efficiently and effectively and will ensure the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaint and appeal process.

Should a student wish to lodge a formal complaint and/or appeal, your should read and follow the policy and procedure that is located on our website www .i.g.

Should a student wish to lodge a appeal against a decision or assessment outcome, they should follow the policy and procedure that is located on our website www .i.g.